ODA Inspiration Day 2023

Ranja Ovedal

- Security should be a priority when it comes to the metaverse. It's a crucial factor in any digital space and especially now. As the metaverse becomes more prevalent and complex, it is becoming increasingly important to implement effective security measures to protect users and their assets.

Silje Dahl Jacobsen, Security Advisor, Evidi

On May 4th, ODA Inspiration Day was held in Oslo Concert Hall where we participated for the first time as Evidi and as a platinum partner. Our own Silje Dahl Jacobsen was on screen, where she talked about the importance of safety, Metaverse Mania and that this must be a priority. We learned a lot, made new acquaintances and were inspired. That's why we want to share some of our take aways.

We don't know the future of the metaverse

While the talks dealt with different aspects of the topic of metaverse mania, there was one clear consensus. No one knows what the metaverses will be, how we will use them, how and by whom they will be regulated, and where the opportunities and challenges will lie. In such uncertainty, one must think flexibly.

We may not know when or how but we do know that technology will become part of our daily lives. There is therefore no question of whether the business should or should not explore this technological development. On the other hand, it's about how to take part in it.

This is precisely what Jeremy White pointed out. When faced with new technology, or new uses of existing ones, he emphasizes the importance of assessing whether this is something for your business. The same goes for the metaverse. We can't rush in and create a metaverse just to be able to say that the business has it without having carefully considered how this can help achieve the goals that have been set. Map out how the metaverse can benefit your business and fit into your operations, what gain you or your customer can achieve, and be transparent but critical.

Consumers of the future, workers of the future

Metaverse Mania is in full swing and there's no point in continuing as you've always done. A new generation, with technology at their fingertips, is growing up and taking its place. They become consumers with a completely different expectation of what a shopping experience should be than what is possible for most businesses today. And in this exists opportunities to think outside the box.

Sophia Adampour, who held an exciting NFT exhibition (Non-Fungible Tokens), cited Adidas as an example. Over the past few years, they have made their foray into the metaverse, releasing digital collections, NFT collections and establishing a new creative studio. The intent is to build strategy, product and technology, partnerships and creative roles, laying the foundation for the brand's future success in the metaverse.

At the same time, Adampour discussed the exciting possibilities the multiverse provides along with virtual reality. Whether it is practicing speaking in front of people without actually having to stand in front of a group, or challenging fear of heights or other phobias and fears without physically exposing oneself to the situation, "mental reality" has enormous potential in many fields, and towards many groups in society.

Shared responsibility

Ensuring inclusion, diversity and safety in the metaverse is our shared responsibility. As we move into an increasingly digital world, we must ensure that this does not become a new arena for exclusion and inequality, but that it highlights our unique sides and brings us to a common ground. Elin Hauge emphasized this on several occasions because where before there was "content is king", it is now "connections are king".

We must therefore make active choices and not just rely on networks. Networks consisting of people like yourself, who you know and who have the same mindset, the same experience and the same background. You need diversity and variety. Different people who contribute different perspectives.

- We need to come together to be equipped for the future so that this next wave of new technologies can reach their full potential. It is our shared responsibility to ensure that the metaverse is inclusive and diverse, as well as safe and secure. The metaverse will be part of the future, in one way or another. 

Silje Jacobsen

Just the start

- In our growth journey in 2023, we have signed 56% women. We are proud of that, and it is planned to level the playing field in the technology industry and create diversity. To face tomorrow, we need different perspectives and mindsets, diversity in people, culture and opinions. 

Emma Eriksson, HR Director, Evidi

Although several of our employees have participated previously, this was Evidi's first ODA event. While we take a lot of news from this year's ODA Inspiration Day, and look forward to the next one, it's the work done the rest of the time that matters. And this is something the people at Evidi are passionate about, says Jørn Seglem, CEO of Evidi.

- Evidi is a company with different and unique people, all contributing with their strengths and perspectives. In collaboration with ODA, we are taking clear steps to show that diversity is important to us and something we actively want to work on. 

Jørn Seglem, CEO, Evidi

Get started on empowering your business to take part in the future to come and the opportunities that come with it. Be conscious in the choices that are made, what voices are in the room and be open to the new. And as Hauge pointed out - "The more you learn, the more impact you have."