Collaborate - Collaboration and efficient work processes across the board

Ranja Ovedal

Collaborate - collaborate - coordinate - streamline. The strength lies in the whole. It lies in being able to interact and communicate in a secure manner, about having efficient work processes across the business and about providing flexibility for each individual, in everyday life.

The need to communicate and interact effectively is not new. Most businesses have invested in one or more solutions for effective communication and information sharing. However, the demands for more flexibility in everyday life, easy access to information and more efficient work processes are only increasing. In line with this, increasingly stringent requirements are being placed on secure communication and document management.

The value of a modern collaboration solution

The value inherent in a modern collaboration solution is often greater than most people realise. Basically, this is often about the company's need for better control of communication and interaction, and simpler and more efficient access to information. With this comes increased engagement, satisfaction and perceived value, both internally and with customers and partners.

A modern workplace in one holistic product package

Digital tools connect employees and partners, no matter where they are. Silos are removed and communication and document management are opened up in a safe and secure way. Employees benefit from smart solutions where productivity, engagement and collaboration are in focus, whether internally in the business or in interaction with customers, partners and suppliers.

Think "outside the box" and get increased value out of your investments

Businesses that invest in new digital platforms are often left with untapped potential because they do not extract enough value from their investments. Traditionally, collaboration solutions have often been about giving employees a more flexible working day in terms of time and place. Now we are constantly becoming aware of how a modern collaboration solution can support other parts of the business beyond the "classic" user scenarios. 

If you think a little outside the box, a modern collaboration solution like the one Microsoft 365 represents, can easily support most parts of the company's work processes. And with simple adjustments, the need for new investments in often more expensive "special solutions" is avoided. 

Examples of scenarios could be:

Understanding the need for change and how best to utilise the technology should be based on a clearly defined goal and a common expectation of what one wants to achieve. With an Agile approach and focus on those parts of the business processes or customer journey where the potential for improvement is greatest, faster gains are achieved.

Invincible together

At Evidi, we are convinced that the best solutions arise at the intersection between good collaboration, the right expertise and smart use of technology. There are many different needs and ways to answer these. If you have a modern collaboration solution at the bottom, you have the best prerequisites for success. With a shared, positive attitude towards change and high ambitions, you can achieve anything!